Technology day "40 Years of Quality Engineering"
– with participants from all over Europe and top-class lectures a complete success
As a closing of the Braunform`s 40th anniversary, the owners` family Braun and managing directors invited customers and long-standing partners for a very special technology day to the region Kaiserstuhl in South-West Germany. The guiding topic "Quality Engineering Made in Germany" was the program that ran like a thread through the day full of top-class lectures.
At the recently refurbished and redesigned technology center, guests were welcomed to the "Innovation Day". Based on the key note speech by the Head of Sales Timo Steinebrunner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Seul, President of the VDWF and Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer at Schmalkalden University in Germany, presented on the "opportunities and challenges for smart mold shops". The topics of cycle-optimized injection molding (Dipl.-Ing.Reiner Westhoff, CONTURA MTC GmbH) and process optimization (Gernot Dufner, DUFNER.MDT GmbH) also were focused. In a concluding expert discussion, they answered the questions of the moderator Ralf Dürrwächter, Managing Director VDWF, and the visitors from the pharmaceutical, packaging, automotive and electrical sectors. During the day visitors had the possibility to gain insights into the technology center with running machines. The production of the mold making of the Braunform GmbH in Bahlingen could also be visited.
The evening before started with the “wine and dine, Baden style” in a winery in the region. In the name of the owner's family Pamela Braun expressed her thanks to all participants in their welcome speech for their presence and their share in the success of the company. "Without them, Braunform wouldn`t have become one of the most innovative full-service toolmaker in the field of mold manufacturing”, says Pamela Braun.
The participants used the technology day at Braunform as an information and communication platform until the late afternoon. They were impressed by the company's appearance and technology.
Since 1977, Braunform has been globally recognized for its innovative top performance within plastics technology. The driving forces of the Braunform success story are a deep understanding of technology and of customer`s specifications, visionary thinking, highest quality awareness and the desire to never stand still. The company has grown from a solid craft business into an owner-managed industrial enterprise with customers worldwide. Braunform GmbH has been characterized by visionary thinking paired with enormous willpower and determination for over 40 years. This combination makes the company unique.
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