25 years of employment
Employees who have shown loyalty to a company for 25 years are a special feature these days. For this reason, the management honors Axel Wolfsperger for his long-time commitment. He began his career at Braunform in 1998 in the logistics department. To this day, his area of responsibility includes the complete dispatch processing, the execution of incoming and outgoing goods inspections, the professional handling and storage of hazardous materials, the supervision of storage space management as well as internal transport and the provision of required materials for the production area. He regularly spends his free time in his caravan at Schluchsee - nature and relaxation are the motto here.
The management of Braunform GmbH would like to express its sincere thanks to Axel Wolfsperger for his loyalty and for the years of pleasant and professional cooperation, his commitment and the services he has rendered. The staff joins in the congratulations.
"As an owner-managed family business, we are particularly proud of our long-standing employees. They are pillars of the company and contribute significantly to our success with their immense know-how," says owner and managing director Pamela Braun. Qualified employees are indispensable in order to remain competitive in the future. For this reason, internal further training measures play an essential role at Braunform in addition to training. The medium-sized company pays maximum attention to the satisfaction and loyalty of the existing staff to the company.
Contact Person
Tel. +49 (0) 7663-9320-0