45 years of service with the company honored for the first time -
Axel Häuber can look back on 45 years at Braunform
He was the first apprentice at Braunform GmbH, based in Bahlingen and Endingen am Kaiserstuhl. A unique specimen and an indispensable part of the company. His training supervisor was the founder of the company Erich Braun himself. "We are proud and extremely pleased that Axel has walked this path with us for so long and has been and continues to be instrumental in the development of the company," says Pamela Braun, Managing Director.
Such a long period of employment stands for a high solidarity with the company, but also for motivation and enthusiasm at work. The company owners, the Braun family, and the management thank the jubilarian for his long-time commitment and loyalty. Know-how carriers like Axel Häuber are indispensable as reliable and loyal supports", says Erich Braun, the company founder.
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